Vida Neuwirthova - Your Prague guide

Vida Neuwirthova – Your Prague guide 

27. 9. 2018

Dear Vida,

We wanted to write and thank you again for the tour yesterday. Your insights to both Jewish Prague and general Czech history was wonderfully informative. Your personal life story is both intriguing and inspirational. We will gladly recommend you to anyone we know travelling to Prague.

Wishing you, your family and the Prague Jewish community all the very best Happy Chanukah

Thank you again.

Alisa and Ashley Coleman
London, UK


4. 9. 2018

Dear Vida,

Thank you again for a most enjoyable visit to Prague. We all learned a tremendous amount and found the visit to Terezín extremely moving.

All the best,

Arleen Levin
New York City, U.S.


30. 3. 2018

Thank you again for today! It was an amazing tour!

Elan Koenig, LA


2. 2018


On behalf of my family I want to thank you for making our Prague trip such an exciting, educational, enjoyable, and memorable one.

We so enjoyed being with you and thank you for sharing your knowledge and personal memories with us which made Prague even more real to all of us.

We certainly will recommend you to our friends and family who plan a trip to Prague and tell Robin from the Jewish Federation what a great guide you are.

Thank you again.

Steve and Toni Guss, Jennifer, and Julie
Morristown, NJ


12. 9. 2017

Good morning Vida,

You were an absolute highlight of our trip. We loved learning about the Jewish Quarter with you. It was very meaningful. Thank you for dropping off the book! I am going to put it in my bookshelf with authors that I have known! I wanted to know if we can pay you for this?

I gave my friend your contact information for when she has visitors! (and hopefully she has a lot!)

Thank you for such an amazing day!

Fran and Kenneth Mauer, New York


4. 9. 2017

Dear Vida,

Thank you for the excellent tour you gave to me and my family on Jewish Prague. Your punctuality, flexibility, and wonderful historical teaching of this beautiful city made our morning fabulous! We appreciated hearing the “behind the scenes” narrative in addition to the upfront facts and details. Our six children ages 4–16 also enjoyed hearing about Prague and some even gave short speeches to their classmates back home in israel with details about the synagogues and of course the Golem :)

We highly recommend your tour to adults and children who are visiting.

Thank you again and Shana Tova!


Josh and Tammy Kruger, Israel


28. 8 2017


I was thinking of you and wanted to wish you and your husband a Mazel Tov on your son's wedding! If I remember correctly, it was this week. I am picturing the ceremony in the very beautiful temple you showed us.

We wanted to thank you again for showing us Prague's Jewish history and for sharing with us your family’s history and your father’s inspirational story. It made our trip very meaningful and memorable. I can only imagine how proud your father would have been to see his grandson married in a Jewish synagogue in Prague.

All the best,

Marcia, Chicago, U.S.


25. 5. 2017


We have never done this before but we are convinced we should have. We particularly appreciate your knowledge. Relaxed approach and sensitivity to our requests. This was a special day on many levels and your contribution made it so.

Susan and Carl Evans, Washington, D.C.


4. 07. 2016

Hi Vida,

Just wanted to say a very big Thank You' for a wonderful day!!
Your knowledge and accomplishments are amazing!!
We all enjoyed everything very much indeed and learnt an amazing amount!

Take care - come and say 'hi' in San Diego

Kind regards

Lynda and Clive Segall


4. 11. 2015

Dear Vida,

I would like to personally thank you again for your time and gracious guiding of Prague, Terezín and Jewish Prague. Clearly, your personal history and passion for the Jewish community influence your work and life in so many ways. We were fortunate to be with you.

Prague is an amazing city and I look forward to coming to visit again soon.


Beth Dotan, Israel



Dear Vida,

It was indeed a pleasure and a joy to have you as our guide for beautiful Prague. Thank you so much.

The Arnost Lustig connection was amazing as well as shopping for your new coat.

I am giving your name to my friend, Janet Nachman for future use.

Be well and keep up with all the good work that you do.


Beverly Yusim


26. 9. 2015

Hi Vida,

Moshe and I would like to thank your for a wonderful tour. We appreciated your knowledge, enthusiasm and your willingness to share personal stories. We also enjoyed the restaurant you recommended!

Thanks again and Shabbat Shalom.

Janie Respitz, Montreal, Canada


13. 7. 2014

Dear Vida,

We just wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed spending part of yesterday and today with you. You are so knowledgeable about the history of your beautiful city and it was fascinating listening to your stories and information.

We appreciate you making yourself available at the 'last minute'. Our trip to Prague would not have been nearly as nice without you!

We have fallen in love with Prague and hope to return sometime soon. If you ever find a way to come to the U.S. please let us know – it would be great to see you again :-)!

Warm regards,

Janet and Michael Victorson, Long Beach CA


6. 3. 2013


Barry and I want to thank you for a wonderful tour of Prague. Your depth of understanding and knowledge as well as your passion for Jewish culture and history was evident. We feel as if we have had a glimpse into the world in which you live and the people who made up the history. We hope that you will continue to grow your programs and wish you and your family much good health and happiness. We will certainly let others know of your work and your ongoing contributions to the Jewish culture in Prague.


Barry and Louise Lubin, New York


8. 5. 2012

Dear Vida,

We just wanted to drop you a note (email) to say "thank you" for a wonderful experience. Our tour through the Jewish Quarter with you was one of the highlights of our trips. Not only did you make it interesting, you taught us a few things about our heritage and you did it with professionalism and humor.

We wish you much continued success with your theater troop. Thank you again.

Best Regards,

Nancy and Howard Farber, Coral Springs, FL, USA


15. 4. 2012

New York Times Review, (

Prague is a fabulous city and you can walk everywhere. The wine bars and beer taverns are not to be missed. If you are Jewish, an unforgettable experience is to tour the Jewish Quarter and Terezin with a Jewish guide. Our guide was Vida and she provided us with an experience that I´ll never forgot. Daughter of survivor, she´s articulate, knowledgeable and wonderful.

gurueast, Boston   /recommended by 2 other readers/


25. 10. 2011

Dear Vida,

We arrived safely back in Chicago from Prague on Sunday night. I just wanted to thank you for everything- we feel that our visions have been expanded! Perry can't stop talking about Simchat Torah services- he has always maintained that what he loves about Jewish traditional services is that anywhere in the world you can fit in. Our trip to Prague and Budapest was amazing- so thank you for helping to expand our horizons.

Accompany your husband to Chicago one year...

Cindy Gilbert


7. 10. 2011

Dear Vida,

What an absolute pleasure to have met you and thank you so much for taking us around and sharing the history of Judaism in Prague. Your information was fantastic and you made it special.

Very kindest regards,

David and Ismay Gresham


2. 10. 2011


We want to thank you for helping to make our stay in Prague so enjoyable.  We particularly enjoyed the opportunity to see the performance of your delightful children's theater. You can be justly proud of them and their performances.

Saturday evening we attended the concert in the Municipal House and had dinner in the beautiful art deco cafe that you showed us on the tour the first day.

Thanks again for being such a good guide.  We will certainly give your name to any of our friends who are going to Prague. .

Shana Tova, Gene and Lee Seidler, NY


25. 7. 2011

Dear Vida,

David & I want to thank you so much for the two very informative tours that we took with you. We really enjoyed learning about the Jewish histrory and the many sites of Prague as well as Terezin. Just as significant, we were so moved by your own life story. It is so important that you continue your work with the children as well as the Jewish community of Prague. Your efforts in the revitalization that is taking place is commendable & admirable. We will be sure to recommend you to our friends so they too will benefit from your knowledge & love of Jewish Prague. If by chance you are in the States & near the NY/NJ area we would love for you to contact us.

We will be sure to recommend you to our friends so they too will benefit from your knowledge & love of Jewish Prague.

If by chance you are in the States & near the NY/NJ area we would love for you to contact us.


Tammy & David Katz


27. 3. 2011

Dear Vida,

I have just returned to the U.S. and my husband Edward Farber and I wish to thank you for the excellent tour of Lidice and Terezin. We really enjoyed meeting you and hearing not only the history of Lidice and Terezin but especially your personal connections to the past. I also liked seeing the photo of you on Arnost Lustig's book; I looked it up on the internet when we returned home. All the tours with you were so great.

We will be certain to recommend you to our friends and colleagues.

Warm regards,

Pamela S. Nadell


18. 1. 2011

Dear Vida,

Just wanted to write to thank you for the wonderful experience in seeing "your" Prague. You are a truly delightful person, so it was a joy.

As I said to you, please keep my email address, should you come to Chicago. I would be happy to show you around.

And, I will certainly refer any friends making the visit to take a tour with you.


Janet Rotner


cell phone: 00420-608701823